Chaofeng Wang

Construction Autonomy, Computational Materials, Decarbonization, Natural Hazards

8 years ago in Research, Computational mechanics, Computational geostatistics, FEM, DEM, blog · 1 MIN READ

Mechanics-based evaluation of liquefaction hazard with integrated FEM-DEM in multiscale

A hybrid numerical framework for coupling FEM and DEM is proposed to simulate the liquefaction phenomenon in soil.

The boundary value problem of cyclic-loaded soil will be solved by the FEM, in which the constitutive relation will be derived from the the DEM solution of a granular assembly.

Given in-situ sampling data (e.g., seismic loading, water table, granular size distribution, porosity, etc.), the developed hybrid model is able to calculated the potential of “triggering” of liquefaction and the post-liquefaction deformations of the soil specimen.

With the calculated deformation of specimen, the in-situ deformation of the ground surface should be able to known integration over the depth of soil layers.

Integrated with random fields:

Sampling and calculate deformations of the ground surface at controlling sites within a large region. Then use multiscale random field models to map the calculated deformations over the whole region.


Chaofeng Wang

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