Chaofeng Wang

Computational Mechanics, Natural Hazards, Decarbonization, Construction Automation

4 years ago in Research, blog, machine learning · 0 MIN READ

Large-scale Rapid Screening of Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

Soft-story building identification from street view using deep convolutional neural networks.

*Q. Yu, C. Wang∗, F. McKenna, et al, Rapid Visual Screening of Soft-Story Buildings from Street View Images Using Deep Learning Classification, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Special Issue, 2020

*Q. Yu, C. Wang∗, B. Cetiner, S. X. Yu, F. McKenna, E. Taciroglu, K. H. Law, Building Information Modeling and Classification by Visual Learning at A City Scale, 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canada, 2019


Chaofeng Wang

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